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China bans U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern for alleged interference

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Jim McGovern

U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern, a Democrat from Massachusetts, has been sanctioned by the Chinese government and banned from entering the country, China’s Foreign Ministry said Wednesday, accusing him of interference.

“In recent years, Jim McGovern, a Democratic congressman from Massachusetts, has frequently made remarks and deeds that interfere in China’s internal affairs and undermine China’s sovereignty, security and development interests,” the ministry said in a statement.

As a result, the ministry said it was sanctioning McGovern and banning both businesses and individuals from cooperating or doing business with him. Assets in China, if any, would be frozen.

McGovern has also been banned from traveling to China, according to the foreign ministry, which said the ban also applies to his wife Lisa and their two children.

McGovern has served in Congress since 1997 and has spoken out about a number of humanitarian issues. Among other statements, he has spoken about protesters in Hong Kong and human rights in both Tibet and Xinjiang.

“If PRC leaders don’t like it when people speak out against their horrific human rights record, maybe they should improve their horrific human rights record,” McGovern said in response to China’s announcement. “They can start by ending their oppression of Tibetans, ending their genocide in Xinjiang, and ending their crackdown on democracy in Hong Kong.”

McGovern added: “These absurd sanctions against me only serve to highlight how PRC leaders are afraid of free and open debate. They seek to punish and silence those who disagree with them. But the world is watching what they do, and people who care about human rights will not be silent. I will proudly wear this sanction as a badge of honor.”

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