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Magnitude 5.8 earthquake jolts Chile; strong shaking reported near epicenter

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Epicenter of the earthquake in Chile (Credit: USGS)

A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck Chile on Tuesday evening, according to seismologists. Strong shaking was reported near the epicenter area.

The earthquake occurred at 6:17 p.m. local time, with its epicenter located 14 miles southwest of La Serena, in the Coquimbo region of Chile, and at a depth of 33 miles, according to Chile’s seismological service.

The Chilean National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED) reported strong shaking across the epicentral area, including in the cities of Coquimbo, Ovalle, and La Serena.

Some residents took to social media, describing the quake as alarming and fearing it was the precursor to a larger earthquake.

Lighter shaking was reported more than 200 miles away in Santiago, Chile’s capital. However, no significant impacts or damage are expected from the earthquake.

Chile is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, a seismically active region. The country experienced the largest earthquake ever recorded in May 1960, when a magnitude 9.5 quake and subsequent tsunami killed thousands.

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