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5 Facts About Dry Eye You Need To Know

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Credit: Vanessa Bumbeers

Dry eye occurs when your pupils become dry because of not having tears to lubricate it. Knowing this information, one can ask what causes this condition? How can you treat this issue if you ever encounter it yourself?

Listed below are some of the most important facts that you can find out about dry eye syndrome and how to treat it eventually. Would you like to learn more? Move to the next section and find out.

1. Dry Eye Occurs For Women More Than Men

Ironically speaking, dry eyes tend to occur in women more than men. This may be since most women tend to experience hormonal imbalances particularly at the age of 40 and above. The lack of hormones affects the production of tears which lubricates the eyes, thus resulting in illness. 

If this happens to you, try to consult any available dry eye doctor in Georgia as soon as possible. They will help you resolve the situation for sure.

2. The Condition Can Occur In Middle Age And The Elderly

Dry eyes can occur around the ages of 35 to 65 years. Again, hormonal imbalances due to age can be a factor as well as daily exposure to harsh elements like heat and cold.

If you want to avoid having dry eyes, make sure to use eye drops regularly especially if you feel your own eyes itching. Whatever happens, do not scratch your eyes to relieve any discomfort that you may be feeling. Doing this will make the condition even worse. Consult your doctor if symptoms continue.

3. Overusing Technology Can Lead To Dry Eye

Too much use of technology or gadgets can lead to this condition especially if you have the habit of watching on your phone or computer. This is because you tend to not blink when staring at the screen for too long.

Additionally, because people don’t want to miss a single scene in their favorite movie or TV show, they refuse to look away or close their eyes.  So, if you want to avoid having dry eyes altogether, always make it a point to give your seers a rest. That way, you will not experience any complications along the way.

4. Treatments Differ From Case To Case

Because there are different causes for dry eyes, the mode of treatment for this condition can also vary depending on the cause as follows: 

  • If you have dry eyes because of hormonal imbalances, HRT or Hormonal Replacement Therapy can work to resolve your issue.
  • On the other hand, if it is caused by certain medications that you have been taking, your doctor may advise you to stop taking specific meds for the time being.
  • A change in lifestyle can also be advised to resolve the situation. This holds true particularly if you like watching television shows too much. Your doctor may advise you to give your eyes some rest at certain points in the day so that your body can naturally stimulate your tear ducts as you rest.
  • In connection with this, a doctor can also prescribe some tear stimulating medication to ensure that you can produce tears the natural way.

Whatever the treatment may be, what is important is that you are able to get yourself checked the moment you experience having dry eyes. This way, you will not end up having more complications than you already had in the past.

5. Dry Eye Can Lead To More Complications

Having dry eyes is no laughing matter. The condition may seem mundane at first, but if you leave it untreated, it can lead to major life threatening conditions that can cost you even more than your life.

Because your eyes are not lubricated regularly due to this condition, your eyes can eventually become infected because they are not cleansed with tears. If this happens, the situation itself can lead to diminished if not total vision loss. This is why you must be aware of your body and listen as much as possible.

If you feel like something may be wrong with your vision as well as your body as a whole, go see a doctor right away. That way, you will not end up experiencing more complications because of dry eyes.

Always Pause And Listen To Your Body!

This is an important thing to do because your body can tell you if there is something actually happening inside even before getting worse. Be aware of the physical and internal changes of your body. That way, you will be well prepared for anything that might happen in the future.

Once you do feel any symptoms whether visible or not, do your best to go to your favorite physician and have yourself checked. As they always say, it is better to be safe than sorry. By being self-aware, you will end up not having any regrets and side effects from dry eyes in the long run.

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