Alelia Murphy, who was born at a time when Albert Einstein published his groundbreaking papers and when Theodore Roosevelt was president of the United States, has...
A North Carolina Amber Alert has been issued for 15-year-old Nevia Nixon after she was allegedly abducted in Fayetteville, local officials say. Anyone with information is...
UPDATE: The amber alert has been canceled. Shaylie was safely located in Henderson County, according to Asheville Police. “The incident is under further investigation at this...
UPDATE: A suspect has been detained by police. “The lockdown is lifted, and students, faculty and staff are free to move about campus,” the university said...
A gunman has opened fire at the campus of the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, killing 2 people and injuring several others, local officials and...
Brenda Jackson, the mother of NASCAR star Dale Earnhardt Jr. and the ex-wife of the late Dale Earnhardt, has died after a battle of cancer, her...
Marco Vaught, a man accused of killing a woman while abducting his ex-girlfriend, has been found dead at a home in North Carolina, along with the...
A meteor was seen along the U.S. East Coast on late Tuesday night, witnesses say. The white streak of light was visible in Washington, D.C., Maryland,...
U.S. Congressman Walter Jones, a Republican from North Carolina who served in the House of Representatives for more than two decades, died on Sunday, his office...
Authorities in the United States and the Caribbean are preparing for up to four tropical cyclones next week, including one which is heading for the U.S....