Eskimo Pie ice cream is getting a new name and look after its owner recognized the term as “derogatory.” The move follows growing criticism against American...
A stabbing attack at an erotic massage parlour in Toronto in February is being treated as an act of terrorism over allegations that the suspect was...
Iran admitted Saturday that Ukraine International Flight 752 was shot down by its military when it was mistaken for a hostile aircraft amid tensions with the...
A small plane flying from the United States has crashed on Gabriola Island after crossing into Canada, killing everyone on board, local officials say. It was...
An Ontario Amber Alert has been issued for 13-year-old Insung Lee and 15-year-old Ahgjung Lee after they were last seen in the City of Toronto, local...
An Ontario Amber Alert has been issued for five young children who were taken by their father, 49-year-old Ian MacDermid, in violation of a temporary custody...
A vehicle has crashed into a home in London, Ontario, causing a gas line explosion that set multiple buildings on fire, local officials and witnesses say....
A 20-year-old man has been arrested after four bodies were found at a home in Markham, about 25 kilometers (16 mi) northeast of Toronto, local police...
UPDATE: The amber alert has been canceled. Jameson was found safe. An Alberta Amber Alert has been issued for 7-month-old Jameson Sundby after he was abducted...
Canadian Supreme Court Justice Clement Gascon, who plans to retire later this year, was reported missing on Wednesday afternoon, but he was found “safe and sound”...